The aim of this practice is to design several bicycle shelters, taking into account different conditions like price, material, shape, etc. 

Additional Info

  • Period of implementation: 15 Hours
  • Country where the practice was developed : Spain
  • Provider of the practice : Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri - Derio
  • Targetg group: 16-17 y.o. students 4-5 EQF level
  • How to implement the practice :

    The practice is implemented in two phases. The first one is done outdoors, students can know and see the places they are going to work in, as well as measure everything they need before starting the design.

    The second phase is implemented indoors, at school, designing and printing their own ideas. Once they finished, a competition is held

  • Prerequisite knowledge:

    Teachers need to know something about designing software

  • Main learning outcomes from the practice :

    Acquire and use attitudes of mathematical activity and scientific research for work as necessary and habitual. For example, appreciation of mathematical language, verification, contrast of data, critical analysis of arguments, processes and results. Systematic review and appreciation of teamwork

  • Needed/Suggested digital tools:
    • - Onshape
    • - Cura
    • - Google drive
  • The practice was carried: : In Classroom or Lab
  • Critical points to shift towards STEM learning and solutions:

    Ensure that the project can be completed and calculating time for each activity.

  • Positive aspects of participatory learning :

    Enhancing creativity and proactivity

  • Included green education (if any):

    Uses of recycled materials.

Read 284 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 January 2023 17:00

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