During their education the students have to create a system and prepare all the necessary documentation of their system development, which will serve as basis for independent system creation for future generations.
Additional Info
- Period of implementation: 100 Hours
- Country where the practice was developed : Slovenia
- Provider of the practice : SIC Ljubljana
- Targetg group: 17-19 y.o. students, EQF 4 level
How to implement the practice :
One of the goals of the educational programme in the students’ final year is to create a mechatronic system independently, with a few assistance of a mentor. Students have the possibility to look into the existing documentation of the mechatronic systems of previous generations in order to get ideas and design their system more easily.
Prerequisite knowledge:
- - Operation of machining machines
- - Materials
- - Electrical sources
- - Programming of controllers
- - Electrical components
- - Preparation of electrical and mechanical technical documentation.
Main learning outcomes from the practice :
- - Description of a task to be solved.
- - Explanation of the solution.
- - Identifying material needed for the job.
- - Calculating and defining the material needed.
- - Analyse the mistakes that occurred.
- - Invention of technical solutions for the assembly.
- - Demonstration of the created system.
- - Analysis of the completed work considering the set goals.
Needed/Suggested digital tools:
- - Computer
- - Controller
- - Measuring instruments
- - Software.
- The practice was carried: : In Classroom or Lab
Critical points to shift towards STEM learning and solutions:
- - The critical point is when the students have to define their idea and prepare the initial documentation.
- - The critical point is when the students have to build a system based on the technical drawing, prepared by them.
- - The critical point is performing calculations and the choice of appropriate materials and components based of these calculations
Positive aspects of participatory learning :
- - The students learn everything about the individual elements and materials that have been used.
- - The students independently develop the system.
Negative aspects of participatory learning:
- - Students may « get lost » and need guidance
- - Students set themselves a too high goal for their current knowledge
- - The students’ idea is financially to demanding
Included green education (if any):
The students disassemble the systems of previous generations and use some of their elements in the new systems.
Published in
Best Practices
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