A manual for teachers (coming from industry or directly from a college of technical profession) without prior pedagogical knowledge has been prepared. It guides new teachers from their first attempts at teaching to independent teaching.
Additional Info
- Period of implementation: 100 Hours
- Country where the practice was developed : Slovenia
- Provider of the practice : SIC Ljubljana
- Targetg group: 17-19 y.o. students, EQF 4 level
How to implement the practice :
Before the beginning of the new school year, new teachers without prior knowledge of pedagogy and andragogy receive a manual containing different forms, guidelines for online lessons applications and a list of contacts who manage a certain area. Teachers are divided into groups for each technological science. Within each group a new teacher is assigned a mentor who supervises his progress.
Such groups hold monthly meetings during which they review their progress, analyse the work that has been done and look for solutions to the problems a new teacher might have.
Prerequisite knowledge:
- - Operation of machining machines
- - Materials
- - Electrical sources
- - Programming of controllers
- - Electrical components
- - Preparation of electrical and mechanical technical documentation.
- - Methodical and didactic knowledge
- - Ability to lead groups
- - Ability to recognise psychophysical states
- - Ability to adapt to dynamic work.
Main learning outcomes from the practice :
- - Recognising the needs of the workplace
- - Understanding the requirements for the position and corresponding tasks
- - Interpreting the curriculum and implements it during the school year while taking the students’ interests into consideration.
- - Appling good practices of the mentor and implements them in his lessons
- - Analysing his own completed work
- - Evaluating his own completed work
- - Correcting the mistakes of the previous school year and reorganising the curriculum accordingly.
Needed/Suggested digital tools:
- - Computer
- - Controller
- - Measuring instruments
- - Software
- The practice was carried: : In Classroom or Lab
Critical points to shift towards STEM learning and solutions:
Teachers are required to use the software environment to monitor teaching process and the statistics of students’ progress. Before they begin teaching they participate in a short training programme for the work with software applications
Positive aspects of participatory learning :
Together with his mentor the new teacher detects his mistakes and improves his work. His mistakes are entered into the manual for the new teachers.
Negative aspects of participatory learning:
- - The teacher analyses his mistakes in too much detail, which means he can get stuck and as a result does not correct the mistake.
- - Characters of new teacher and his mentor are not compatible
- - The new teacher and his mentor do not stick to the plan.
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